Re: So who's on this list

From: Marilyn Nulman (mnulman@CURTISLIBRARY.COM)
Date: Sat Jul 05 1997 - 07:00:31 PDT

Hello. I'm a writer, a storyteller and a bookbinder. I also work a few
hours a week in the children's room at my local library.
        My favorite sf writers? Oh, gosh. Sheri S. Tepper. Barbara
Hambly. David Eddings, Patricia McKillip, Patricia Wrede, Orson Scott Card,
Elizabeth Moon, Tamara Pierce, Robin McKinley, Ursula K. Leguin, Madeline
L'Engle, Meredith Pierce, Lynn Flewelling and so many more. As you may
surmise, I lean toward fantasy. I'm also interested in sf for kids, like
the Alana series.
        I've just started writing a fantasy I've been imagining for more
years than I'd like to count. Had large parts of the story clear in my
mind, but no idea how to connect them. Then, about a month ago it came to
me. What a great feeling! So I'm writing and reading and writing.
        I hope this list will give me good leads on books. I'm about to
order Parable of the Sower--I'd heard great things about the author but
never read her--I also just got a copy of Gibbon's Decline and Fall from the
library. It looks fascinating.
        Enough for now. Regards, Marilyn

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