Re: So who is on this list?

From: Valerie Renwick-Porter (Valerie@TWINOAKS.ORG)
Date: Sat Jul 05 1997 - 07:26:52 PDT

Hi Everyone....

My name is Valerie and I've been on this list for a month or two.
I'm 29 and I live at Twin Oaks Community in Virginia, which is an
egalitarian, income-sharing, non-violent intentional community of 100
people--the closest thing to a (mixed-gender) feminist utopia that
I've found in my travels thus far.

My primary work here is as a networker in the communities movement
(organizing conferences, developing outreach programs, etc) and I
also work on our Forestry crew, keeping our 450 acres of woods
healthy while simultaneously providing fuel to heat our buildings.
I was steeped in feminism and alternative culture during college, and
I've always been a reader, so it feels natural that I'd be drawn to
the subjects raised on this list.

Continuing to enjoy this dialogue...

Valerie Renwick-Porter

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