Re: So who is on this list?

From: Susan Marie Groppi (groppi@HCS.HARVARD.EDU)
Date: Sun Jul 06 1997 - 20:47:13 PDT

On Sun, 6 Jul 1997, Janice E. Dawley wrote:
> I'm currently reading _Woman on the Edge of Time_, which is
> quite good so far.

It's one of the books I'm evangelical about, I suppose--I keep forcibly
lending my copy to people, for a variety of reasons. Discussions of
mental health care, sexual equality, polyamory, interpersonal conflict...
they all sooner or later come to a point where I say "you really need to
read this book..."

> I recently finished _A Door Into Ocean_, which was
> somewhat interesting, though the bad guys were cut out of cardboard, and
> the 3rd _Native Tongue_ book, which was patently absurd and very bad.

I picked up that whole trilogy in a used bookstore, because they were
inexpensive and looked interesting (and I'd just handed in two very large
term papers and was treating myself), and I read through all three books
in one weekend, but by the time I got to the end of the trilogy, I was
reading just for the sake of finishing what I'd started. They started out
interestingly enough but just degenerated... and I found something vaguely
offensive in the portrayal of the inter-gender relations. The idea that
men and women just can't, literally and unequivocally and universally
-can't- understand each other.

                -- Susan
                                   i found god in myself and i loved her
                                        i loved her fiercely -- n.shange

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