Re: So who is on this list?

From: David Silver (dssilver@IDIRECT.COM)
Date: Mon Jul 07 1997 - 03:19:51 PDT

I am an elderly, soon-to-be-retired, almost dead white male. I went to
graduate school when new criticism was new, and am politically slightly to
the right of Russell Kirk. I am also a feminist, permit me to explain.
Twenty-three years ago my first child, a daughter was born. I was forty at
the time and was entranced by this beautiful and clever child and so spent
a lot of time with her. When she first began speaking intellegibly I used
to ask her what she would do when she grew up. Her prompted reply was "I
going to be a doctor and look after you when you are old." We both would

Then one day she got seriously ill and spent three weeks in the hospital.
When she got home I initiated our litany, "What are you going to do when
you grow up?" Her reply was "I'm going to be a nurse." I asked her why and
she said "Men are doctors and girls are nurses", which is what she had
observed in the hospital. I immediately scoured Toronto for a female
pediatrician and spent the next fifteen years encouraging her to pursue her
own interests without regard to society's, or my expectations. She is
entering law school this coming fall.

I also teach a science fiction course at a local college and I try to
include feminist texts as they represent a sizable portion of the canon.
Besides, intellectual honesty requires that all facets of the genre be
presented to students, not just those that conform to my biases.

David Silver

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