Re: So who is on this list?

From: Lori A. Campbell (lcampbel@MAIL.COIN.MISSOURI.EDU)
Date: Mon Jul 07 1997 - 16:18:34 PDT

On Mon, 7 Jul 1997, David Silver wrote:

> Then one day she got seriously ill and spent three weeks in the hospital.
> When she got home I initiated our litany, "What are you going to do when
> you grow up?" Her reply was "I'm going to be a nurse." I asked her why and
> she said "Men are doctors and girls are nurses", which is what she had
> observed in the hospital. I immediately scoured Toronto for a female
> pediatrician and spent the next fifteen years encouraging her to pursue her
> own interests without regard to society's, or my expectations. She is
> entering law school this coming fall.
I will always be greatful to my dad for treating me as an intelligent
human being and not a "girl". He went to great lengths to be sure I
would be an independent person and not so dependant, like my mother. It
was him, and not my mother, who showed me all the infinite possibilities
in life. When I was only about 9 years old he introduced me to Ray
Bradybury (gave me a copy of "The Wicked This Way Come") and I was nuts
about Bradbury for a long long time. In fact he was a great influence
in my own writing. My brother was never inclined toward anything
intellectual or cultural and my father put his efforts into encouraging my
creativity and interests along those lines. I did not marry until I was
34, which was , to me, a great advantage. When I think of all that I
would have missed had I married in my early twenties, like to many others.


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