Re: So who is on this list?

From: schant (schant@SCHANT.DEMON.CO.UK)
Date: Mon Jul 07 1997 - 06:31:19 PDT

One more computer geek (Networks Support person for a steel company).
I've read SF since childhood - Asimov, Bradbury, John Wyndham - not
really noticing gender at the time. Since evolving a feminist
consciousness in the '70's and finding Marge Piercy's "Woman on the Edge
of Time" I've devoured feminist and woman-oriented science fiction.
Favourites are LeGuin, Russ - especially her uncompromising "We who are
about to..." , and most recently Pat Cadigan's mix of cyberpunk and
horror. These days I don't have time to read as much, and have missed
out on many of the titles mentioned on the list, but I'm working on it!

"Take what you want", said God. "Take it - and pay for it."
        Old Spanish proverb,
                quoted in "South Riding" by Winifred Holtby

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