Re: What is feminism?

From: Anastasia McPherson (mcpherso@MAIL.MED.UPENN.EDU)
Date: Tue Jul 08 1997 - 10:25:42 PDT

> >
> >And I wont even start with the etical issues surrounding all of the new
> >reproductive technology - but one question - how would you feel if you
> >were born of combination anonymous sperm and egg donation and carried by
> >a surrogate and would never in your life have any idea where your human
> >roots were?
> Elizabeth,
  Actually Sean - it was me, Anastasia who wrote the above snippet - it
was inspired by Elizabeth's observation that opression against women ws
"subtle" to which I responded yes, and one of the most powerful tools in
this "subtle" arsenal is the control of women's reproduction by economic
means, normative social controls (those evil teen mothers, single mothers
and welfare queens) and by technology.

  I would actually like to see these issuesexplored as there has been a
lot of extrapolative fiction written about these things, but there needs
to be more.

> Myself, I'd feel pretty pissed and alone. Perhaps, to any
> geneticists out there, this is something worth considering before racing
> along the technological superspeedway: drive too fast, don't listen to
> your pit crew and don't think ahead and you're bound to crash or screw up
> something vital.
> -Sean

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