Re: So who is on this list?

From: Christopher Shaffer (
Date: Wed Jul 09 1997 - 05:29:09 PDT

Kate Bolin wrote:
> I am beginning to wonder what type of people sign up for this
>list...Do we have a lot of professors? College students? Random people?
>Writers? Computer geeks? Et cetera?

I guess I'm one of the random people. I'm a librarian working for the US
National Library of Medicine in Chicago. I'm on this list mostly because
Laura Quilter is my friend, and I have her to thank for making me aware of
feminist SF literature (and for loaning so many books to me). I've been
reading science fiction and fantasy since before I can remember, though I
never sought out feminist works. In retrospect, it appears that a few of
my favorite authors are feminists (Margaret Atwood, Ursula K. LeGuin,
Tanith Lee...etc.).

I do have to admit that I filter this list into a mailbox that I only open
about twice a month. I've enjoyed reading the discussions and reviews.

Take care, CS

The box said 'Requires Windows 95, or better.' So I bought a Macintosh.
Chris Shaffer

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