Re: Mars

From: Elizabeth Pandolfo (pandolfo@MACBSD.COM)
Date: Wed Jul 09 1997 - 08:17:02 PDT

Dana Stabenow (a mystery writer who wrote a SF trilogy I think before
writing mysteries) has a loose trilogy, Second Star, A Handful of Stars,
and Red Planet Run. The 3rd book takes place on Mars, and has an
interesting twist to it. I like the books (particularly the 2nd and 3rd
ones) because of the protagonist, and the stories are pretty good. I'd
suggest reading the 2nd one as well, even though it has nothing to do with
Mars, just to get a bit more of the set-up. They're quick reads.


Elizabeth L. Pandolfo/Briggs

"Whatever happens, believe that the journey is worth taking..." --Peth, "Seaward"

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