Re: So who is on this list?

From: Joan Haran (joanharan@DIAL.PIPEX.COM)
Date: Wed Jul 09 1997 - 09:30:16 PDT

I can keep my mouth shut no longer. I am another one of the random
people, I guess.

I am 32, a self-employed public relations consultant writing about
architectural products (yawn!).

I am also, intermittently, registered part-time at the University of
Sussex (Brighton, England) for a PhD in Women's Studies. My topic is
feminist science fiction from the 1970s to 1990s and its intersection (or
not) with feminist theory and polemic in the same period.

I read science fiction and fantasy as a child, and young adult, but
regarded it as a guilty secret for most of my twenties. Got bitten by
the bug again about four years ago when I did an MA in Gender Studies and
wrote my dissertation about _Woman on the Edge of Time_ and Shulamith
Firestone's _Dialectic of Sex_. I have been unstoppable ever since.

I have enjoyed Piercy, Tepper, Nicola Griffith, Melissa Scott
(particularly), Lisa Mason and many many more. I enjoy a ripping yarn
but am most interested in fiction that is utopian in inspiration, if not
in form.


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