Re: James Morrow: Only Begotten Daughter

From: Berni Phillips (
Date: Wed Jul 09 1997 - 21:45:20 PDT

Anny Middon wrote:
> I'm not sure the book qualifies as feminist, but there are some strong
> feminist leanings in it. And some wonderfully funny satirical passages.
> What did others think of it?

Morrow seems to be making a career of writing (what are to some)
sacrilegious SF stories. I enjoyed _Only Begotten Daughter_, but his
point of having the title character being female seems only to tweak the
noses of those who are so sure Jesus in His second coming will again be
male. OBD has some good stuff in it, like the scene where Julie visits
her half-brother (the big JC) in hell, finding him dispensing water to
the hotly damned, totally unaware that a whole religion has grown up
around Him. Overall, I felt the book fell apart in the middle, as if
Morrow just had this great idea and didn't know what to do once he'd
written the set-up, and never really recovered.

It's been some years since I read the book, but I recall that Julie's
father's best friend was a lesbian. I don't recall there being much
about sexual politics, though.

Berni Phillips

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