Re: Birth Control Books

From: Martha Bartter (MBARTTER@TRUMAN.EDU)
Date: Thu Jul 10 1997 - 08:25:10 PDT

At 23:45 7/9/97 -0500, you wrote:

>One book in which birth control does play a vital part is The Gate to
>Women's Country, in which the women practice it with most of the men so
>that they can secretly breed a less violent human raise by only having
>babies by the more gentle men who have opted for city life.

Also, of course, Shore of Women (who only reproduce when they entice
a male into their web...)

>It seems to me, although I can't think of the titles off hand, that there
>are several novels which simply assume that women learn to control
>fertility pretty much by an act of will.
>Mike Levy
In at least one of Elgin's _Native Tongue_ books, exactly that happens.
The woman involved gets punished for it, as I recall.

Martha Bartter
Truman State University

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