sex scenes

From: joanna goltzman (jgoltzma@IX.NETCOM.COM)
Date: Tue Jul 15 1997 - 15:34:43 PDT

Erik Tsao wrote: "The only one who I got a mixed response on was Poppy Z.
Brite. And
that had more to do with the students having problems with some very
explicit gay love scenes. My response was to take that to another level
and ask them if the vividness of Brite's language in describing the
love-making scenes was what really disturbed them. Or did it have to do
with the fact that this was gay sex that was being so vividly represented.
Most of them denied that the latter was the problem. But I had a feeling
that this was what really bothered them."

I also was bothered by the sex scenes in some of the feminist sf books I've
been reading until I realized that those scenes are more about societal
issues than about relationships between specific individuals. Such scenes
experiment with and challenge gender roles, societal norms, and taboos. I
often find that sex scenes in novels from other genres are just boring.
Feminist SF sex scenes are anything but boring because there's so much going
on in them besides sex.


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