Re: students and sexuality in feminist sf

From: F Mendlesohn (fm7@YORK.AC.UK)
Date: Tue Jul 29 1997 - 06:08:51 PDT

> Insufficient data: as critical thinking contiues to be eliminated, a
> potentially important part of your qestion is the ages of the people
> involved. A "generation gap" hypothesis relating to less and less
> intellectual capability might account for your data at least as well as a
> "gender" hypothesis.
> Neil Rest

I am beginning to have real problems with the debate around the supposed
ignorance of younger readers. How many of us experienced being the
interested ones in our classes? If all our students were interested,
sensitive and automatically open minded none of us would have jobs. We
could set them one research essay at the beginning of the first year and
hand them their degrees the following week. Let's have patience please! We
are there to inspire them, not condemn them. Nothing is as wonderful as
watching a student change.


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