Re: goddesses, Fifth Sacred Thing

From: Holly Yasui (hollyy@SPRYNET.COM)
Date: Fri Aug 01 1997 - 20:17:18 PDT

At 04:30 PM 7/28/97 -0500, Joanna wrote:
>Does anyone know of more feminist science fiction that deals with goddesses?
>Elizabeth Hand's _Waking the Moon_ deals with the goddess in an interesting
>way and so does Elisabeth Vonarburg in both _The Maerlande Chronicles_ and
>_Reluctant Voyagers_.

Starhawk's novel *The Fifth Sacred Thing* deals with Goddess spirituality
with pagan (animistic) overtones, from an socialist, ecofeminist context.
It's been a while since I read it, and I don't have my copy here, but any
discussion about this book would be of interest to me.

Also, I'd like to pose an earlier question that didn't garner much response
last month -- I hope some new people on the list may be able to answer. Can
anyone recommend any other good feminist science fiction that deals with
issues of race and class? (I can HARDLY WAIT for Nalo's novel! Public
kudos, I'm really thrilled.)


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