[*FSFFU*] GI Jane

From: Catherine Caporusso (104525.2243@COMPUSERVE.COM)
Date: Thu Sep 04 1997 - 10:25:56 PDT

>> Actually, I thought Demi Moore was strikingly miscast...I didn't think
>> looked tough enough, even with the muscles, to be a plausible SEAL. I
> >think she looked mentally tough enough for the role, either -- I can't
> >of many actresses that could pull it off, maybe Angela Basset, Sigourney
> >Weaver (although she's too old for the part), or that woman who played
in the
> >Terminator movies. With the shaved head, she looked like she was ready
> >star in the "Sinead O'Connor Story" -- not like a trained killer.

>I think it's more important to _be_ tough than to look tough.
>That's exactly the argument of those who object women in the military --
>because they are rarely have those three hundred pounds of muscles (and
>an extra-savage face expression) that are assumed necessary to have to be
>a good "trained killer". Hey, I am 5'10" and 120 pounds, but I could
>probably kill a person with a matchbox with appropriate training.
>The whole point of the movie is that an _average_ woman can become a
>SEAL, just as well as an average man (after all, none of the guys looked
>like Schwatzenegger). All you need is good health and a lot of will power
>to go through all this training. And Demi Moore is someone that most
>women could relate to.

I also am unclear of the significance of "looking tough" -- I don't know
why Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hamilton, or Angela Bassett "looked" any
"tougher" in Aliens, Terminator 2, and Strange Days, (could "tough" mean
less attractive? They all looked gorgeous!) or why Sinead O'Connor
doesn't look "tough" with her shaved head.

However, I disagree with the idea that the movie demonstrated that the
average woman could be a Navy SEAL. I think it only showed that Demi
Moore, well known for her ability to amaze fitness trainers, might be able
to make it. Although I have to say that I don't think the first female
Navy SEAL will have such absurdly large breasts - they can interfere with
swimming and real ones would have shrunk with the bodybuilding.
(or so I've heard). I'd be interested in hearing whether the movie has any
persuasive effect on anti-feminists.

Catherine Caporusso

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