Re: [*FSFFU*] Retractible Male Anatomy

From: Lesley Hall (Lesley_Hall@CLASSIC.MSN.COM)
Date: Wed Sep 24 1997 - 11:09:11 PDT

>I've heard that if a guy puts his testacles in a glass with very warm
>water for and hour, he'll be infertile for three days. This was mentioned
>a a means of birth control, and I did not take it seriously. Could that
>be true, or is it the same as douching with Coke?
I think the water would have to be hot enough to render love-making shortly
afterwards a very unlikely event! On the whole, I'd file this under 'urban
folklore': there was a novel around in the 60s called 'Here we go round the
mulberry bush', in which British schoolboys exchange similar myths about
rendering themselves infertile: one was strapping a luminous watch to the
testicles on the grounds that the degree of radioactivity involved would do
        However, I believe it is often suggested by infertility specialists when the
problem is insufficient nos of sperm in the male partner's semen, that he
should abandon tight-fitting underpants and trousers, which overheat the
testicles and wear loose ones (the kilt is supposed to be the best garment to
promote male fertility).
        Vonda McInytre has posited in several of her novels 'biocontrol' whereby both
men and women can influence their own state of fertility: in the case of men
by either lowering or raising the testicular temperature.
        On douching with coke, I believe that tests demonstrated that 'classic' coke
did have significant spermicidal properties (prob its acidity?)--what it does
to one's insides i wouldn't like to think. Famous birth-controller Marie
Stopes always advised never to put anything into one's vagina that one would
not put in one's mouth...

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