[*FSFFU*] Introductions

From: Chelle Rogers (castalia@ROCKISLAND.COM)
Date: Thu Nov 06 1997 - 17:59:34 PST

I crept on here through the 'Dummies email listserve of the day' also. My name
is Chelle and I raise llamas, create web sites and write cyber columns for 2
livestock magazines. I almost had a fantasy book published years ago, but just
prior to handing it over to the publisher I burned it. (Back in my days of
drugging and drinking and temper tantrums - those are gone, thankfully!)

Been a feminist since birth and was just going to lurk to find more good reading
material. I read about 4 books a week, but have to rely on the local library for
most of my fare. I live on an island so the library is small.

Now I'll go back to lurking and hoping for good recommendations. Thanks!

Chelle Rogers  mailto:castalia@rockisland.com
Cozy Corner http://www.rockisland.com/~castalia/
Castalia Llamas, Fantasy, Recovery * See the sights... er, sites
Webweaving http://www.rockisland.com/~castalia/net.html

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