Re: [*FSFFU*] Introductions

From: Geoffrey D. Sperl (gamgee@GEOCITIES.COM)
Date: Thu Nov 06 1997 - 23:22:35 PST

Oy! I've never introduced myself, have I?

Sad state of affairs I've put myself in...I'm working too hard...

Well, let's see: I'm 24 and have my MA (creative writing) from Wayne
State in Detroit, MI. I'm currently a post-bachelor student, attempting
not to burn out, and will start my specialist certificate program (read:
MA sans thesis) in instructional technology (English departments need
some more practical people in them) at Wayne come next fall. Then, once
my girlfriend finishes her MA, we'll survey the situation, and the
damage to our pocketbooks, and decide where we go from there - currently
we think we'll get married, she'll be going to work (she doesn't really
want a PhD) and I'll start working on a PhD (at the Univeristy of
Michigan...I hope).

I must admit: I was sucked into f&sf by dear Mr. Lucas when I was four
and sat in my third movie (the first two being _Raggedy Ann and Andy_
and _The Rescuers_) in the theater (Hey! I thought I was a big boy, let
me tell you). _Star Wars_ blew me away...and I admit it still serves as
my brain candy (my mother says I seem to revert to this four-year-old
enthusiasm when _SW_ comes up). I later moved further in with Tolkien
and Lewis and then McCaffery. I read Asimov when I was 14, and thought
he was the greatest thing since Piers Anthony (my sensibilities have
changed in ten years...).

To make a short story long: I became interested in the feminist
influences in f&sf when I took a women's studies class at Wayne,
Feminist U/Dystopias (taught by Anca Vlasopolos), and began to examine
how I could utilize forward-thinking feminist ideas in my own work...

Now I'm here. :)

- Geoffrey

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