Re: [*FSFFU*] Introduction (Tardy)

From: Nina M. Osier (mbarron@MINT.NET)
Date: Fri Nov 07 1997 - 16:18:09 PST

Vonda, please do post that so-called "rant"! I discovered your other
books after reading one of your Star Trek novels, and I'm very glad that
happened. Also, I will say shamelessly that I waited from 1966 until
ST:Voyager came on the air wishing to see a female ST captain who wasn't
a nut case (I'm referring to a certain episode of the original Star
Trek, either you'll understand this reference or you won't) and that I
thoroughly enjoy Kate Mulgrew's character.

I forgot to say in my own introduction how I discovered this list. It
was very simple, I was using my browser to look for anything on the
subject of "feminist science fiction" and up it popped.

Nina Osier

Vonda N. McIntyre wrote:

> I've written a bunch of media tie-in novels, which
> are fun to do (nobody should do them who doesn't
> find them fun) and which subsidized several of my
> original novels. Naturally I don't think that Star
> Trek books are causing the end of science fiction
> as we know it, but that's a rant deserving of its
> own message. (One that I wrote but haven't decided
> whether to post.)

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