Re: [*FSFFU*] Starship Troopers

From: Stephen Smith (jrfss@CLASSIC.MSN.COM)
Date: Sun Nov 09 1997 - 21:13:45 PST

From: For discussion of feminist SF, fantastic & utopian literature on behalf
of Pat
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 1997 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [*FSFFU*] Starship Troopers

        Thanks for the info on Heinlein...I know absolutely NOTHING about him. I
must comment though on this Star Trek jab. I have watched several
documentaries about Mr Roddenberry and though I don't think he was any kind of
saint, he did MAKE ATTEMPTS to push the envelope for women. If Majel Barrett
can be trusted (the widow Roddenberry) she says that Roddenberry wanted number
one to be a woman. IN fact the pilot show pitched to the networks HAS her as
number one (majel barrett that is). However that wonderful network mentality
(the patriarchy of the television waves) felt that she shouldn't be in this
position. Furthermore they felt that the SPock character was a little too
evil, with his pointed ears and funny eyebrows. THese two they definately
didn't want. SO I assume under pressures, he changed those two things and I
think the woman became a kind of air hostess and nurse's aide.
        I think a lot of the power behind Star Trek comes from the fans. Think about
the writing campaign conducted to renew the cancelled Star Trek. ALso think
about the pressures on Voyager against Janeway. Many men do not like her, and
openly tear her apart. Fans can determine the fate of a show and influence
writers in script decisions. (also remember the fan base behind "beauty and
the beast." )
        I myself like Star Trek and what it tries to accomplish. I feel that Jadzia
Dax, Major Kira, the departed Tasha Yar, Janeway, Kes, Beverly Crusher,
Torres, Kes and yes even annoying Troi ( I do not like her at all!) attempt to
demonstrate strength, empathy, wisdom, and intelligence. They come across to
me as not only capable women but women that I myself admire.

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