Re: [*FSFFU*] high heels (trying to make it SF)

From: Barbara Benesch (BJBenesch@AOL.COM)
Date: Mon Nov 10 1997 - 18:04:08 PST

In a message dated 97-11-10 17:15:36 EST, Luz Guerra wrote :

> lg: Actually, high heels in sf is a hot topic of concern with my son and
> I. We can suspend belief about alot of aspects of SF presented to us in
> the movies and on TV -- but one thing that kills believe-ablity (sp?)
> for us is when one of our sf heros runs down a dark alley, jumps over a
> fence, and tackles a bad-guy in high heels. Several episodes of X-Files
> falls into this category, with Scully wearing the offending heels. I
> can remember at least one episode of ST DS9 where Dax went into battle
> mode with heels on. We might call it the "high-heel factor" -- it'll
> ruin an otherwise good story line every time in our house!!
> luz

As well as reading science fiction, I have a weakness for comic books
(particularly DC superhero-type comics), and I've always maintained that
Superman wouldn't be quite so "super" if he had to do all his heroing in high
heels like Wonder Woman and other female superheroes do. There has, however,
been a larger number (okay, 2-3 as opposed to zero a few years ago) of female
superheroes who wear non-high heeled boots with their costumes.

Barbara Benesch

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