Re: [*FSFFU*] X-Files

From: Jason A. Wallwork (wallwork@PETERBORO.NET)
Date: Tue Nov 11 1997 - 05:25:47 PST


>I know a lot of people don't like TV sf, but for those who do: What do
>you think of the new X-files season?

It's probably outside the scope of this discussion, but nevertheless, there
are X-files books now (media tie-on novels, eh, Vonda? :) so I'll mention
that I love the X-files shows, although they're more fantasy and conspiracy
based than on any real scientific facts (of which sci-fi is, usually).

>I was dissappointed that they reversed the roles again to more traditional
>scenario -- she's lying in coma, and he's risking his life to save her.

I agree that yes, once again, Scully is sick, but we have to remember Mulder
has been almost-dead himself, and in this particular case, Mulder was
risking his life to save her, but Scully offered to sacrifice herself to
save Mulder, by taking the rap for the murder. But I agree with you that
Scully needs to be given more of a prominate role in the show, but if you
compare where her character was years ago, it's come a long way.

Jason A. Wallwork, E-mail:
"It is in vain to hope to please all alike. Let a man stand with his face
in what direction he will, he must necessarily turn his back on one half
of the world." -George Dennison Prentice

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