Re: [*FSFFU*] Star Trek Women / Seven of Nine

From: Nalo Hopkinson (bl213@FREENET.TORONTO.ON.CA)
Date: Tue Nov 11 1997 - 07:25:40 PST

On Tue, 11 Nov 1997, luz guerra wrote:

> As I -- and Star Trek -- matured, so did my critique. Any one ever
> notice how on Next Generation the only Black stars were either not human
> (Worf) or changed in some way (Geordie) so we didn't see just regular
> old Black people's faces.

NH: Amen! My impression (and I'm quite prepared to be found wrong on
this) is that for awhile, TNG Klingons were largely played by black
people. Hmm. Apparently, we make it into the future, but we're still
cast as the universe's rude boys. We recently got a new tv channel here
in Canada called Space: the Imagination Station. Shows only sf and
science-related programming, including tons of reruns of old sf shows. I
recently saw a promo spot for re-runs of Green Hornet. The voice-over
said, "Starring Bruce Lee in one of his first roles." Didn't realise
that had been Bruce Lee. Made me wonder if part of the reason he got the
role was because his Asianness could be largely disguised by the mask he
wore. Remember Eartha Kitt as catwoman? Didn't she also start out
masked and with her body and hair covered?


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