[*FSFFU*] Independent Female Characters (was: Re:X-Files)

From: Geoffrey D. Sperl (gamgee@geocities.com)
Date: Mon Nov 17 1997 - 21:35:41 PST


> It would be nice to see a woman who is
> open-minded and adventurous, and explores the world without clinging
> to
> ready-made explanations of science or church. Someone who comes up
> with her
> own theories and proves them.


They exist! :)

Primarily in mystery novels, but they do exist...

However, I suppose you're looking for SF characters that fit that
mold...and none of the X-Files silliness (I've never liked the show and
found all of the characters and plotlines just plain dull) can really do

The first character that comes to mind is Dr. Susan Calvin, Asimov's
focal character for many of his robot stories. Granted she comes with
her own emotional baggage, but doesn't everyone? She's also dated by
Asimov's era and dear John Campbell's iron-fisted control over SF, but
she would probably be the proto-character of the one you're looking

Who else?

1) Capt. Janeway?

2) Princess Leia has some insight, but she's rarely given the chance to

3) Ripley's a possibility, but I don't think she's quite what you're
looking for (maybe that will change with _Alien Resurrection_

4) Xena? Not my favorite (not even my least favorite), but perhaps

5) Delenn from _Babylon 5_ almost seems to fill out the character-type
you're looking for (though Elizabeth Lockley, Tracy Scoggins's character
for the new TNT _B5_ projects, might be even better...or might not)

- Geoffrey

"Time is an illusion.  Lunchtime doubly so." - Ford Prefect


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