Re: [*FSFFU*] SF/Sci-Fi

Date: Mon Nov 24 1997 - 18:58:07 PST

-- [ From: David Christenson * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --

> But I suppose, by extension,
> "sci-fi" could then refer to bad SF movies and TV shows made by
> masquerading as members of the community.

So, by definition, "sci-fi" is what you find on the Sci-Fi Channel, and
everything else is SF. I could go along with that. :)

This thread may seem off-topic but I do detect an on-topic undercurrent
- that some important feminist SF has been dismissed, historically, by
the so-called "hard SF" mainstream of science fiction fandom and
criticism. Do y'all think this is correct characterization of the
history? Does it still go on? Do events such as Wiscon and the Tiptree
Award represent a ghetto for gender-conscious SF, much as mainstream
"women's fiction" was ghettoized by the mainstream of academia so many
years ago? (Note that I'm old enough to have had a junior high school
English teacher - female - who straightfacedly told us that most lit in
the canon was by men because men were, by nature, better writers. Me, I
didn't believe it even at age 13.)

David Christenson -

"We live in Gothic times." - Angela Carter

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