Re: [*FSFFU*] Social Fantasy, Was: SF/Sci-Fi

From: Petra Mayerhofer (pm@IER.UNI-STUTTGART.DE)
Date: Wed Dec 03 1997 - 20:06:58 PST

Last week I saw in a bookstore that a small (German) publisher
specialised on women's/feminist literature (Ariadne) has started a
new series some time ago (their mystery novel series is well
established by now). From the description I gather they intend to
publish feminist SF and/or SF by female authors. They called the
series 'Social Fantasy'. One can only speculate why they did not call
it 'Science Fiction' (we use the English term in German) and why they
used another English expression. Is 'Social Fantasy' by any chance
an established expression, which I have simply missed?

By the way, is the term 'Science Fiction' used in other languages,
too, or have there been other names created for it? I suppose, the
French have a French expression for SF.

** Petra Mayerhofer ** **

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