Re: [*FSFFU*] Strange Days movie

From: Kate Bolin (kbolin@MAILHOST.TCS.TULANE.EDU)
Date: Mon Dec 01 1997 - 13:25:10 PST

        Strange Days impressed me in two ways. There was Angela Bassett,
of course. But I was also impressed with the portrayal of Los Angeles at
the turn of the Millenium.
        I grew up in North Long Beach, on the other side of the freeway
from Compton, and out of all the science fiction movies taking place in
Los Angeles, Strange Days felt the most like home.
        I really felt it when Ralph Fiennes' character was driving through
the streets of L.A., listening to the radio. I first saw it in the campus
theater, and once that scene showed up, I was telling my friends, "That's
it. That's the Los Angeles I was telling you about. None of that flaky
Beverly Hills/West L.A. routine. THAT'S the Los Angeles I grew up in."

Just some random babblings...

"Kate's gonna drag me kicking and screaming into B5 fandom yet. Her
columns are always so literate, even when I don't have a clue as to what
the show is about." --Randy Dannenfelser

Kate Bolin
Delenn Deserves Better

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