Re: [*FSFFU*] Strange Days movie

From: Thomas Gramstad (thomasg@IFI.UIO.NO)
Date: Mon Dec 01 1997 - 12:52:26 PST

* David Christenson
> Funny how nobody (here or in mainstream criticism) ever mentions
> the long, excruciating rape scenes that are presented in
> first-person camera -eye point of view in this movie. I watch a
> lot of drama and action movies, and these were possibly the most
> relentless, brutal rape scenes on film I've ever seen

I agree. They're really disgusting and very disturbing.

> (actually, I fast-forwarded through the second one because I
> couldn't stand it). Don't get me wrong, I understand the use of
> violence as part of a serious drama, but these scenes disturbed
> me. To me, they crossed the line into exploitation, especially
> since the point of view invites the viewer to put him/herself in
> the role of the rapist.

Well, it is a cyberpunk movie (or would have been called that if it
had been produced 5 years earlier), and there are some other very
strong scenes in it too -- including but not limited to racial riots
and police brutality.

> This movie lost money, and I think its use of explicit violence
> was as much at fault as its unpleasant protagonist and difficult
> plotline.

There are two main protagonists in the movie. First there is Ralph
Fiennes' character who is almost falling apart but who finally
manages to pull it together. I assume this is the one you are
referring to as "its unpleasant protagonist"; I think it is far more
complex than that, that Fiennes does a great job of acting, and that
he manages to incite a measure of sympathy for the character.

But the other protagonist, played by Angela Bassett, is marvelous.
Indeed, I think this is the most fully realized and integrated
female hero I have ever seen in a movie, and this makes the movie a
favorite of mine. If you find her unpleasant or irrelevant, in my
considered opinion you are not human.

A substantial (not long) review of the movie may be found here:

Thomas Gramstad

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