Re: [*FSFFU*] genres, etc.

From: NESchaadt (nschaadt@TXCC.NET)
Date: Thu Dec 04 1997 - 12:00:32 PST

Would it be overstating the obvious to say that it takes less time to watch
a film than to read a book? Perhaps the popularity of such texts
(including magazines--which reproduce faster than rabbits) is fed by time
constraints. It's funny, a friend and I came up with a wonderful (to us)
argument for people who say that books are too expensive. If it takes 25
hours to read a hardcover book that costs US$20.00 you've got a real bargain.
Nancy Schaadt

Erik Tsao asked: (with huge snips)
>>people are more likely to consume pop cultural texts like film, music,
>television, etc. than to read popular fiction.
>Not only that but there is a very clear connection, as we've seen
>in some of the discussions on this list, that popular genres of film (such
>as romance, mystery, adventure, etc.) are very much connected with popular

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