[*FSFFU*] A Novel idea

From: Catweasel (pvbuckland@BIGFOOT.COM)
Date: Thu Dec 11 1997 - 03:48:50 PST

It was 11/12/97 05:54:53 GMT when, as I was going about my lawful business,
I observed AnnyMiddon <AnnyMiddon@AOL.COM>,
hereinafter referrded as the accused, writing on a Bristol monitor:

> In a message dated 97-12-05 14:04:51 EST, pvbuckland@BIGFOOT.COM writes:
> > The only way I can see to introduce fantasy to our earth and have it
> > affect history might go something like this: A meteor lands in a remote
> > area, causing much destruction and poluting the water table. The genetic
> > damage caused by the pollutant eventually breeds true, so that New
> > Zealand is now populated by sentient, ambulatory plants, talking frogs
> > and spell casting shape-shifters. Introduce them to history when and
> > how you will. It may still be called Science Fiction, though, because
> > the fantastic creatures were the result of well established scientific
> > principles.
> I think Catweasel should write this up at novel length. Highly entertaining!
> Does Captain James Cook introduce the creatures to Europe? Hmmm. Might an
> England that was armed with shapeshifter spies win out over those upstart
> Americans?

Damn, I was hoping nobody would make that suggestion!

Anny, I shall be spending what little time I have spare in thinking up
suitable punishments. Shooting? Too quick. Boiling in oil? I haven't got
a big enough cauldron. Burning at the stake? I would need proof that you
are a witch. Can anyone help on that score? Maybe I should just force
you to read the finished novel!

Serially, though, the more I think about it, the more I like it. I am
not a good enough writer to carry it off by myself, though. How do you
lot feel about a co-operative FSFFU novel? Perhaps a shared universe a
la Thieves' World, although on a different time scale.

Anybody interested in writing for the project, or just with suggestions
or offers of help, please write to me. I'll get back to you in a few
days with a draught proposal.

Oh yes. Dealing with those damned colonists - an excellent idea. Care to
run with it, Anny?

Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Catweasel <pvbuckland@bigfoot.com>

How do I set my LaserJet to "Stun"?

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