Re: [*FSFFU*] Fairy Tale Princesses

From: Geoffrey D. Sperl (gamgee@GEOCITIES.COM)
Date: Thu Dec 11 1997 - 17:32:52 PST

BJBenesch wrote:

> If you can
> find episodes of Faerie Tale Theater at your local video rental store,
> they do
> a much better job of telling the original story.

I can second that. While I enjoy Disney (okay, I'll admit that
_Hunchback_ and _Pocahontas_ were beyond disappointing), Shelley
Duvall's _Faerie Tale Theatre_ was spectaular. I never saw their
version of _The Little Mermaid_, but I own _Aladdin and His Wonderful
Lamp_ (early material by Tim Burton) and am still looking for the video
of the Mary Steenbergen and Malcolm MacDowell (they were still married
at the time) _Little Red Riding Hood_...

Speaking of Ms. Hood, and farie tales in general, does anyone remember
the film version of _In the Company of Wolves_ (with Angela Lansbury, I
believe)? If I remember correctly, it is based off of an Angela Carter
story of the same name from an anthology called _The Bloody Chamber_,
and it was this movie (though I had heard of Tanith Lee's _Red as Blood
or Tales from the Sisters Grimmer_ at the point I saw the movie) that
convinced me that fairy tales weren't for children but for the adults
reading the stories to the children (of course, I later read the
unedited Brothers Grimm..."Cinderella" was the hardest one for me to
take, esp. when the stepsisters cut off various portions of their feet
in order to fit into the glass slipper).

- Geoffrey

"Time is an illusion.  Lunchtime doubly so." - Ford Prefect

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