Re: [*FSFFU*] Strong women books

From: Cat Farrar (
Date: Thu Dec 11 1997 - 18:32:25 PST

Thanks to everyone who sent me suggestions on Strong Women Books. I've
filed them all away and hope to start reading soon. I'm hoping they will
give me an emotional boost. I had high hopes for the most recent Alien film
(Resurrection) but found it very disappoiting. There were some new and
innovative special effects but the costumes and sets I found "tiring" as
I've seen too much of that look with past Alien films.

And as far as the sexism in the film, I'm way over that.

Seems like there will be a whole bunch of new S/F releases at the movie
theatres come this Christmas. We can only hope that our souls will be
lifted to new hights.

Cat Farrar

                ~Cat Farrar
"Gender is a lived ideology...that becomes EMBODIED because it is enforced."

~Martha McCaughey
 Real Knockouts - The Physical Feminism of Women's Self-Defense

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