Re: [*FSFFU*] Disney and fairy tales (yet another on this vein...)

From: Catherine Asaro (asaro@SFF.NET)
Date: Sun Dec 14 1997 - 18:24:40 PST

Bonnie Gray wrote:
> I was at Disney World this past spring and took a tour of the
> studio where the do drawing for some of the Disney features.
> While I was there, they were really pushing Hercules (surprise surprise...)

Gee, I'd push Hercules ... <G>

> However, they also mentioned a story based upon a Japanese folk
> tale about a young girl who goes into the army in her father's place
> when he is drafted (he's old or sick or something, so she has to
> take his place). Has anyone else heard about this?

It doesn't ring any bells for me. It sounds like an intriguing story,

> The potential
> for a good story is there; of course, Disney could botch it. You
> know, do something like market an army kit for the main character,
> complete with make-up and jewelry.

I can just see it. Commando-Barbie, complete with a pink M-16, a
mess-make-up-kit, and a designer camauflage uniform with high-heeled

Best regards

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