[*FSFFU*] Nicola Griffith--Writing from the Body

From: Michael Marc Levy (levymm@uwec.edu)
Date: Sun Dec 14 1997 - 21:06:17 PST

Nicola Griffith has a very interesting article in the latest issue of
Science Fiction Eye called Writing from the Body. It covers a great deal
of worthwhile material in a fairly brief space, moving from the classical
problem of the mind-body dichotomy, as formulated by, among others Plato,
Aristotle and St. Augustine, to the effect of her own health problems on
her writing, to why male critics tend to assume that fiction by women is
more heavily autobiographical than fiction by men.

Mike Levy

Michael M. Levy levym@uwstout.edu
Department of English levymm@uwec.edu
University of Wisconsin-Stout off. ph: 715-834-6533
Menomonie, WI 54751 hm. ph: 715-834-6533

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