Re: Octavia Butler:_Parable of the Sower_

From: Anne V Stuecker (avs5@JUNO.COM)
Date: Tue Apr 08 1997 - 15:03:54 PDT

Michael Marc Levy <levymm@UWEC.EDU> writes:

>Although I liked Parable of the Sower a lot, I'm still not very
>comfortable with Lauren's Earthseed religion. The concept is either
>very profound or very shallow--I haven't made up my mind yet.

I agree. If it is a matter of profundity, can anyone explain to me more
about how and why it is so?

>Question, does Butler want us to see Earthseed as right?

Tomorrow I'll ask my professor what he thinks (I have no idea) and get
back to you.

>What she has is a well developed delusion that she can feel
>other peoples' pain.

Thanks for including that comment. That clears up some things for me.
However, it's too bad that sometimes we must resort to asking the author
when we can't figure something out.

Anne Stuecker <> Washington, DC, USA
Always remember the marketeer's philosophy:

     "If someone won't buy it, no one can have it."

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