Re: Bones of Time

From: Daniel L Krashin (daniel_l.krashin@TAMC.CHCS.AMEDD.ARMY.MIL)
Date: Fri May 16 1997 - 11:15:59 PDT

I guess the "hard science" debate wore everyone out -- I'm reading Carl
Sagan's _The Demon Haunted World:Science as a Candle in the Darkness_
right now. I really like it.

Now, for the question: has anyone else on the list read _Bones of TIme_ by
Kathleen Goonan? I read it with great expectations because it is set in a
future Hawaii, and I don't read much SF about this place where I live. I'm
still trying to figure out whether I liked it or not. I would love to hear
from anyone else who read, either on- or off-line. Thanks.

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