Re: Topics of curiosity (was: yes, list is still here!)

From: Kelley (
Date: Tue Jun 10 1997 - 21:26:51 PDT

> -- [ From: David Christenson * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --
> Jill Gillham wrote:
> > Honestly, I haven't watched the seri (serieses? what's the plural,
> anyways?)
> > since they killed off Tasha Yar, and the character I could most
> closely relate
> > to was Wesley Crusher. (Yeah, I know. I was in high school at the time
> ) Deanna
> > Troi and the female doctors were just never allowed to do anything
> interesting,
> > in my view.
> In my view, they killed off Tasha Yar not in the final episode of the
> season, but in the scene where Picard tells her, patronizingly,
> "officers are allowed to cry on the bridge." How humiliating. My
> recollection is that the Tasha actor quit partly because of such
> scripting, and I don't blame her. Unfortunately what remained were even
> weaker female roles (filled by decent actors), and the producers saw no
> reason to elevate a woman to a more active position.
> Then came DS9, apparently conceived originally as sort of a troupe thing
> , but the female characters quickly became dominant. So do they go with
> this feminist flow? Hell no - they bring in Worf (that's the point where
> I stopped watching every episode), they mate Dax with Worf, and they
> impregnate Kira, all of which serves to radically tip the testosterone
> balance. (I'm oversimplifying, but hey, this is a rant, not an essay.)
> Then came Voyager, run by the idiot (that is, very badly written)
> character Janeway, who not only makes poor decisions but also spends her
> spare time with romance novels...
> Well I started this, so here's my last $.02 worth: the Star Trek
> universe represents classical liberalism, *not* progressivism, and thus
> should be viewed with great suspicion by feminists, IMO.
> (BTW, Catwoman is *not* dead!)
> --
> David Christenson -
> Ray Goulding: "Suppose someone on the radio said, "What are you doing
> now, in this Atomic Age?'"
> Bob Elliott: "And you would answer, 'No.'"
> "You'll say reality is under no obligation to be interesting. To which
> I'd reply that reality may disregard the obligation but that we may not.
> " - Jorge Luis Borges
The reason Tasha Yar was taken off of the show was because the actress
was offered a role in a movie, and she left the series thinking that she
would have a much more successful movie career. Unfortunately, the
movie flopped and she was left to do 'nudie' shots in low-budget films.

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