Re: So who is on this list?

From: Penelope Gibbs (PENEL@CALC.VET.UGA.EDU)
Date: Sat Jul 05 1997 - 18:18:56 PDT

Hello to everyone.

I have most definitely been a lurker for the past few months since I
joined the list, but NOT because I am a normally quiet person, but
because I have prelims in August, a meeting in July, and an otherwise
totally overwhelming schedule until the end of August. I look forward
to joining in soon after. However, I will take this opportunity to introduce

I am a Research Coordinator at the University of Georgia's College of
Veterinary Medicine, although the title is deceiving. I, as part of
my job requirement, teach freshman veterinary students bacteriology,
including some lectures and the 15 week laboratory portion of the
I have a Master's in Medical Microbiology and have a couple years
before I am finished with my PhD in the same subject. Research is
okay, but I absolutely love teaching.

I am a lesbian, a feminist, and a scientist. I love animals (and
people). My life-partner and I have three dogs and three cats, all rescues.
I have considered myself a feminist since the bra-burning "women's
libbers" of the sixties (I was born in 1959). I remember being a JFK
supporter and I remember his assasination. Unfortunately, growing
up in South and Middle Georgia does not leave a young, politically
active lesbian at the age of seven many role models. At 18, I ALMOST
married a man that was extraordinarily sexist and potentially violent.
I just didn't get it at the time. Since then, however, I finally got
it! :->

I discovered reading in the first grade with Dr. Seuss (sp?).
I began with Asimov at the age of nine, when I read the book
 _The Runaway Robot_. If I remeber
correctly, the robot protagonist was genderless. Regardless, I
enjoyed the book so much, I started reading other Asimov. Later I
discovered _The Lord of the Rings_Trilogy. Other fantasy I enjoyed as
a youngster included _Watership Down_ and lots of stories about cats.

As a teenager I never really fit in, and I often spent lunches at the
library. If there was a class I wanted to cut, I usually spent it
in the library as well. I read many books, but
the ones I remember were _Brave New World_ ,
_Walden Pond_, and some Heinlein (who I now find quite sexist), Ray
Bradbury, George Orwell, Lewis Carroll, and more Asimov.
I also discovered Biology during that time, which
ultimately led me to my present career.

I found this list while browsing the "Xena" web page, and I have
thoroughly enjoyed lurking and reading. I have saved some messages
for future replies...after prelims. I am a scientist first and a
writer second...I apologize for any spelling errors!!

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