Re: So who is on this list?

From: Anny Middon (AnnyMiddon@AOL.COM)
Date: Tue Jul 08 1997 - 23:00:10 PDT

So who is on this list?

I've been a feminist since I was a little girl, in those dark years of the
early 60's. I have a strong memory of my mother telling me when I was 6 or 7
years old that men were naturally better at everything than women (I think
her objective was to encourage my acceptance of Woman's Lot in Life), and
getting very angry.

I began reading science fiction at 10 years old or so. I loved it from the
beginning, but also had a notion that I was reading literature written for
males. It was much like reading my brother's Boy's Life magazines -- a
sensation that as interesting as it was, it wasn't really meant for me.

I clearly remember the emotional impact I had when I read Russ's story, "When
It Changed" -- a feeling of "At last! Oh, praise the lord! At last!"

I read a lot of mysteries, too. A few years ago, I decided that there were
too many new writers in the mystery field to keep up with, so I would
restrict myself by reading books by writers new to me only if they were
women. I haven't done that yet with science fiction, but I am tempted. If
only there were more female cyberpunk writers....


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