Re: [*FSFFU*] Wonder Woman (was Re: Are we talking about Feminist SF?)

From: Sean Johnston (sean-johnston@UIOWA.EDU)
Date: Thu Sep 25 1997 - 09:01:40 PDT

>On Wed, 24 Sep 1997, Sean Johnston wrote:
>> Jessica also
>> >channels most of her energies into her son: the mother figure self-
>> >sacrificing so that her son can become a real hero. And how about
>> >Irulan's misery because Paul doesn't love her? She channels all that
>> >repressed passion into books and language, but 'really' just desiring to
>> >be a 'real' woman (ie loved and desired by Paul).
>> Isn't that what mothers do in their mother context: make sure their kids,
>> male or female, do better than they?
>Yes, they do. But the end always seems male defined.
Aye, and there's the rub.

> As for Irulan, I felt pretty bad for
>> her, too. She, I can say honestly, was a true pawn, but I still don't see
>> that as sexist, just sad for her.
>Yes, Irulan is a true pawn, who tries to deal with her situation in the
>best way she can (and does fairly well too). I too feel sad for her: what
>I do think is sexist is the implication that her writing is an outlet
>because she has been deprived a real relationship with Paul. Hence a
>furfilling heterosexual relationship (with kids included) becomes the
>natural arena for women, with Irulan's writing as a poor substitute for a
>real life with a real man.

True, but there was no implication that Irulan was a lesbian or bi, and
there's nothing wrong with being straight.


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