Re: [*FSFFU*] Guy Gavriel Kay

From: Martha Bartter (mbartter@TRUMAN.EDU)
Date: Mon Oct 27 1997 - 17:06:26 PST

At 15:47 10/27/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi- I just wanted to correct a misconception: Tigana was
>not Kay's first fanatsy novel - it was The Summer Tree and
>two more books in a series.
>I am very fond of all of his books, Tigana among them, but
>so far my favorite is A Song for Arbonne, on a number
>of levels, from his use of both Old Provencal culture and
>literary forms to his transformation of the ethos of
>courtly love. I have read " The Lions" but not connected
>so intimately with it...
>Jan BOgstad bogstajm

On the other hand, I found his "Fionavar Tapestry" trilogy
entrancing, and "Tigana" a wonderful compression of various
important fantasy themes -- but "A Song for Arbonne" left
me rather disappointed, particularly because he got so far
into the novel before he provided me with a character I
could really care about. Now "Lions" -- that had the opposite
problem. I cared about all of them, and hate the zero-sum
game setup, but love the book.

Martha Bartter
Truman State University

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