Re: [*FSFFU*] yet another thread

From: Sandra MacLaren (MsSandiM@AOL.COM)
Date: Tue Nov 11 1997 - 21:45:11 PST

I agree. Years after I read The Handmaids Tale, I still find it to be one of
the most frightening books I've come across. Mostly because it appeared to be
not so much fiction, but a commentary on what is happening now.

And the more I watch C-SPAN, and what happens in the House and Senate, the
more current Margaret Atwood's tale becomes.

Re: gift-giving; I remember that it was difficult for me to talk to men for
weeks after I finished reading the book, and the same was true for many other
women I talked to. I usually recommend the book with some cautionary advise.
As for the men I've talked to who have read the book, I've found that they
just didn't get it.

I'm interested in this "new thread"; and would like to know how others feel.


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