Re: [*FSFFU*] yet another thread

From: Christopher Shaffer (shaffer@UIC.EDU)
Date: Wed Nov 12 1997 - 08:27:06 PST

On Wed, 12 Nov 1997, Sandra MacLaren wrote:

> Re: gift-giving; I remember that it was difficult for me to talk to men for
> weeks after I finished reading the book, and the same was true for many other
> women I talked to. I usually recommend the book with some cautionary advise.
> As for the men I've talked to who have read the book, I've found that they
> just didn't get it.

I'm curious to know what the men you talked to said about Handmaid's Tale
that gave you this impression. I would think a person would have to be
pretty dense to not "get it."

I'm going to be dead for billions and billions of years. If I don't make
a fool of myself on a regular basis, I'll feel like I've wasted my life.
Chris Shaffer

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