Re: [*FSFFU*] feminist sf list

From: Jeanine Pedersen (Jeanine99@AOL.COM)
Date: Wed Nov 12 1997 - 09:08:53 PST

Yes, it's an open list -- the posting address is FEMINISTSF@LISTSERV.UIC.EDU,
unfortunately I can't remember what the sign on address is. It is moderated,
there certainly seem to be plenty of male correspondents if that's a
concern, and for the most part I tend to be a lurker myself! The moderator,
as I recall, is a librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago so you
might be able to call her directly. Good luck finding the sign-on address,
but actually if you just post to the list, someone might be able to give it
to you.

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