Re: [*FSFFU*] Species traitor (was: Stormship Troopers)

From: Geoffrey D. Sperl (gamgee@GEOCITIES.COM)
Date: Thu Nov 13 1997 - 11:37:52 PST

Jennifer Krauel wrote:

> Ammonite - great adventure story, but hard to imagine hollywood
> funding
> a movie without any men. One can hope, though. I also loved Slow
> River
> but my guess is adventure would have more chance of making the silver
> screen than sewage.

I dunno. _Slow River_ might have a better chance than _Ammonite_. I
don't think the studios would be ready to portray women in an adventure
*and* being intimate with one another *and* having, what?, two males
throughout the piece. A smaller studio might do it, but then the
distributors would want to know who'd they market it to...

I can see your other suggestions coming through, albeit in drastically
changed forms...

What about _Trouble on Triton_ (or _Triton_ , for those who haven't seen
the latest edition)? Delany seems to be getting hot again, and that's
definitely a novel that someone like Cronenberg, or the French fellow
doing the new _Alien_ film, or the director of _Kissed_ (I can't think
of her name...I think it's a woman) could handle. I can't see Le Guin
being picked up any time soon, and I think Piercy is too complex for the
vast majority of screenwriters nowadays...

Maybe they could try a remake of _The Handmaid's Tale_ and get it right
this time...

- Geoffrey

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