Re: [*FSFFU*] evil sexy villainesses

From: Geoffrey D. Sperl (gamgee@GEOCITIES.COM)
Date: Thu Nov 13 1997 - 11:25:34 PST

I'm going to play the Devil's advocate, now...

On the Borg Queen: could it be that she uses sex because she knows that
that is the human male's weakness (which would have been built into the
emotion chip Data has)? Since assimilation is the primary objective of
the Borg, wouldn't they have a sexualized borg, queen or drone, that
would be used to seduce those who resist?

Granted, I wouldn't credit the producers or writers with that one. They
wanted a sexually attractive bad guy, but if we extrapolate the fact
that the Borg would have different sub-programs to assimilate differing
personalities...if we don't see the queen as truly in charge (and there
have been rumors that there is more than one "queen" - after all, the
homeworld is still out there somewhere), but as an instrument to her the
Borg programming, then she's nothing more than a puppet. I suspect the
Borg "overmind" would take on masculine attributes in a filmic setting,
and the societal mirror that the Borg are to us would truly begin to
show (again, I suspect the writers and producers would merely put that
together because "it would just so darned cool!" (he said,

BTW, let's face it: the Earth would be doomed if it had been Capt. Kirk
as opposed to Capt. Picard.

- Geoffrey

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