[*FSFFU*] Species traitor (was: Stormship Troopers)

From: Jennifer Krauel (jkrauel@ACTIONEER.COM)
Date: Thu Nov 13 1997 - 10:01:55 PST

Well, I saw Stormship Troopers last night and I was rooting for the
bugs. They were way more interesting than the people. Although there
were tons of people killed, it didn't bother me at all - and I get
nightmares from violent movies. The people were just way too
one-dimensional to believe.

Thanks to all of you who posted your opinions about the movie so I was
prepared for the worst of it (like Diz' last words). My main complaint
other than not getting to see enough of the bugs, was the volume of the
soundtrack. I think I'll have to start bringing ear plugs to movies.
Ack! I'm starting to sound like my parents!

Anyway my purpose in writing is to ask all of you what feminist sf story
should be made into a movie, if Stormship Troopers is such a bad
example. Be fair and pick something that actually might have a chance
of making it through hollywood. I kept leaning toward anything vaguely
space-opera-ish, but I suppose if Handmaid's Tale was made there's hope
for earth-bound stories. Here are some ideas that went through my mind
considering this:

The Chanur stories - but then we all have such vivid ideas of what kif
and hani look like I doubt hollywood would do it justice.

Ammonite - great adventure story, but hard to imagine hollywood funding
a movie without any men. One can hope, though. I also loved Slow River
but my guess is adventure would have more chance of making the silver
screen than sewage.

China Mountain Zhang - this one perhaps has the most potential for
actually being made. I'd love to see the kite races.

McIntyre's Starfarers etc. - Although I love these stories perhaps
there's not enough chase scenes (sorry, Vonda, but somehow I don't think
you'll take that as an insult). How about perhaps Dreamsnake?

Melissa Scott's Night Sky Mine would be terrific - I'd love to see the
special-effects interpretation of her invisible world. Of course I'd
also love to see the old Silence stories made into a movie, but that's
way less likely.

Other ideas?

Jennifer Krauel      Director of Product Marketing
jkrauel@actioneer.com 415.536.0715 fax 415.882.4372
++ Actioneering: the art and science of getting it done ++

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