Re: [*FSFFU*] Intro/tie-ins/Star Wars

From: Vonda N. McIntyre (vonda@OZ.NET)
Date: Thu Nov 13 1997 - 23:23:47 PST

Hi Geoffrey,

Probably you know that writers, generally, have
less than no say over what's on their book covers.
(Sometimes this works to our benefit, as with the
MOON & SUN cover, which _I_ surely never would
have come up with, but is the prettiest cover I've
ever seen, much less had on one of my own books.)

If it's any comfort, I had essentially the same
reaction you did, to the Crystal Star cover.
(Heck, I didn't even particularly like the
_title_.) I mean, it's a pretty cover. But it
doesn't have anything to do with the book.

They never would have got away with showing Leia
as Lelila with her multicolored hair.

Chewbacca with a dye job, or See-Threepio in
purple. (I actually got a truly furious letter
from someone informing me in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS
that Threepio would NEVER disguise himself in
PURPLE... please don't ask me what's wrong with
purple, I have not got a clue and the letter
writer did not give even a hint.)

Han holding hands with Xaverri. (Even though I
actually had permission to that that rekindled
friendship "far enough to make Leia jealous,"
though it turned out not to happen quite that

Not to mention the kids riding Mistress Dragon.

But any of those are what I would have liked to

The proportion of people who hate my book is
pretty small, as far as I can tell. It's just that
a disproportionate number of them happen to hang
out on the Internet.



On Thu, 13 Nov 1997 07:50:03 -0400, "Geoffrey D.
Sperl" <> wrote:

>I'll step out of the woodwork completely: When I first read it, I was
>disappointed (not as disappointed as I was with Tyers's _Bakura_, but
>that's another story). However, as I began to examine what you were
>doing with the book, the more I liked it...
The Moon and the Sun -- One of Publishers Weekly's
"Best Books of 1997"$3946

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