Re: [*FSFFU*] SF/Sci-Fi

From: Kathy Schlump (c683542@SHOWME.MISSOURI.EDU)
Date: Tue Nov 25 1997 - 07:26:46 PST

Hello to All
        I've been lurking on this list for a while now, but the discussion
of SF vs. Sci-Fi had me composing replies in my head. Then I read Lindy's
posting. I agree completely
with Lindy - I didn't even know there was a 'SF vs Sci-Fi' thing going on.
And I'm still not sure if SF mean Scienc Fiction or Speculative Fiction -
can anyone clarify for me?
        I am having a great time being on this list; you should see my
list of 'must reads'. (Quick intro - I am Kathy Schlump, a middle-aged
graduate student in Library and Information Science at the U of Missouri
at Columbi. I found the list when I was doing research on the feminist
perspective in science fiction and have been trying to keep up with it
ever since. Unfortunately, I have almost no time for reading 'the good
stuff' until semester break, then I'll begin my orgy with Vonda's 'The
Moon and the Sun')
        I, like Lindy, read all kinds of books, but science fiction is an
old friend. I began reading sci-fi with the 'Mushroom Planet' series in
about the second grade, and have kept at it on and off over the years.
I've enjoyed LeGuin, Elgin, Butler, and others but I can see I have a lot
of good reading ahead of me. Thanks for all the recommendations.

Til next time,


"Once you learn to read you will be forever free." Frederick Douglass

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